Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The smallest animals on earth!

When you see a dwarf hamster or a miniature dog you think they are VERY small, right? Well you might want to reconsidered what small means! Take a look at the worlds smallest dog:

Yes, the dog is a small as the coke can! This is Ducky! Weighing 1.4 pounds and standing 4.9 inches tall this dog could fit in your water glass! Ducky was born in Massachusetts and is a short hair chihuahua! Small dog, huh? 

Worlds smallest hamster:  

Meet PeeWee, the worlds smallest hamster! This hamster weighs less than 1 ounce and is a golden hamster. Above you can see him height and length. He is smaller than the average quarter!! The bottom picture is him with a quarter and the hamster next to it is a normal size hamster! Small thing!!!

Now we have the worlds smallest fish:

Discovered in Indonesia in the swamp land of an island called Sumatra is the worlds smallest fish. The species is a part of the carp family and was found threatened in January 2006. The length of the fish is only 7.9 mm long! You couldn't even see it in a fish tank!!