Monday, November 28, 2011

Most amazing limousines!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to ride in a limo that has a pool? Or even a limo that can travel faster than your average car? Well I am here to describe what it would be like! First we have the WORLDS LONGEST LIMO:

This limousine has accommodations ever a hotel wouldn't have! Stretching just about 100 feet or 30 meters is the longest limo in the world! There are 26 tires and a bend in the center to help it turn on the road. Inside this limo there is a king size waterbed and a few other beds. Also while taking a ride you might want to check out the swimming pool and the diving board! Getting a little chilly? Just jump right into the hot tub! You would be a real lucky person to see this limousine!

Next is the worlds most expensive limo and heaviest limo in the world!:

Looks like this thing is made out of gold!!! Ha ha not really! This monster limo can hold up to 40 people and is 70 feet in length. With a bar and 3 lounges there is plenty of space for everyone! On board there is flat screen tv's and restrooms. The interior design is focused on the Pullman railroad car! What a ride!

Next we have the Ferrari Limousine:

This speedy thing can travel faster than your car even though it is bigger than your car!! With top speed of 270mph this ferrari will sure enough be the fastest ride in town! Designed in England, it is now considered the worlds longest ferrari! The length is 23 feet and can have 8 riders including the driver. Can your limo get from 0 to 60 mph in 6 seconds? I THINK NOT!

1 comment:

  1. that Ferrari limo is sweet! i like the add for your blog but what is it talking about?
