Sunday, February 26, 2012

Strangest canned foods

When you are at the grocery store you usually see canned fruit and soup in a can, right? But have you ever been walking down the aisle and seen some pretty strange packaged foods? While I was on the internet I found a website called "The strangest packaged food of all time" by the AOL news.

Here they are:

First we have the canned cheeseburger! YUM! This cheeseburger in a can was created for when people go on camping trips when the nearest Burger King is 100 miles away! I am not sure what is actually in the burger itself but I'm positive I don't want to find out!!

Next we have the delicious "Pickle Pops!!!!" Pickle Pops are just what every person needs on a hot summer day, right? NOT! They are just like the frozen ice pops but they are green and are pickle juice flavored! Anyone wanna try one??

You know the kinds of pop inside and out: Orange Soda, Root Beer, Coke and Sprite, but have you ever heard of the "Lester's Fixins Buffalo Wing Soda?"I think not! This soda look just like orange soda except the label reads a little bit different than orange soda! Who want's buffalo wing soda? I mean seriously just go and eat buffalo wings don't drink it!!!!!

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