Saturday, October 15, 2011

Most Unique Houses

Ever wondered what it would be like to live in a bubble, or even a toilet? Well, some people around the world do and I'm about to show you who! First we have the toilet shaped house:

This oddly unique house was built by Sim Jae-Duck in Soweon, South Korea. It was built to launch the World Toilet Association which is a campaign for more sanitary restrooms. As you can see this house has glass walls surrounding it and inside this toilet there are two guesetrooms, two bedrooms, and three very nice toilets. All in all this house is a one of a kind home!

Look at this wild thing! This very unique house is the "Bubble House!" Built in Tourrettes-sur-Loup , France by architect Antti Lovag, this home is not even 35 years old and is considered a historic place. With views on the Mediterranean Sea this location could not get any better. In the house most furniture is built in, like cabinets and drawers. Although you can not see the center of the house, located there is a garden with a waterfall and palm trees. This house is surely one of the coolest houses I have ever seen!

Have you ever seen a house in the middle of no where? Well, now you have! This strangely unique house surpassingly makes more energy than it uses! Actually this house just sold for around 14.1 million. Constructed by Sarah Featherstone, this home is privately owned and somewhere in the United Kingdom. A strange one in deed!

Even though this house looks pretty cool, I don't think I would want to live there. This strange looking house is often called " Eliphante and Hippodome" because of the hippo constructed entrance. (Top photo) Built in Cornville, Arizona by the artist Michael Kahn and his wife Linda Livant. They said it took them 28 years to find all the scraps to make their house. Finding things from constructions sites and other land they finally have completed their house. What a messy house!

I hope you liked my "Most Unique Houses!" Thanks for reading!